Electronic Camera = Disposable Camera

Including Leicas, film or digital.

Shoot them as much as you can while you can.

  • Electronics don’t last forever

  • Interfaces change

  • memory card formats change

  • custom batteries become unavailable

  • the same goes for electronic film cameras

That’s right. Your $10k Leica Digital will never become a classic. It’ll just become unusable.

Some people claim the old film Ricoh GR cameras are classics. That’s BS. They also just stop working. I’ve had two of them and both stopped winding film. End of life for that camera no matter how nice of a lens it has. Same story for Contax compact cameras. My advice is don’t spend money on these cameras! Saturday night live celebrities made them popular. They have enough money to just keep buying a new one every time one stops working.

I have two expensive paper weights now. Once in beige and one in black. Don’t make the same mistake.